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Summer 1587. Triora; a wealthy borough on the border of France and Italy, a defence stronghold for the area. Two years of failed harvest have left the villagers hungry and irritable, and the council of elders convinced that a bunch of women are responsible. Housewives, healers and midwives have practiced their skills in these mountains for centuries, even openly calling themselves witches, but now they are accused of convening with the Devil and putting their community in danger. Criminal charges are brought against them and the Inquisition sends its emissaries from Albenga, the local diocese, to investigate. 


Read the full Director's Note here.

A man like you

Two very idealistic headstrong men; Patrick North, British diplomat and hostage and his Somali kidnapper Abdi, defend their world-views in an intense exposé of extremism, politics and religion, set in a windowless concrete room in Somalia. Back in Nairobi, Elizabeth North fights for her husband’s freedom.


This is the setting of 'A Man Like You' an award-winning Kenyan play that asks: In a world where all have done wrong, who has the moral right to the Truth?


Read the full Director's Note here.

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